Grilled Rosemary Scented Lamb Tenderloin
(Recipe courtesy of Chez Us)

1.5 lb lamb tenderloin
2 teaspoons kosher salt
2 teaspoons fresh cracked black pepper
4 sprigs fresh rosemary - plus a couple extra for garnish
2 small lemons

How To:

  1. Remove the lamb from the refrigerator at least 30 minutes and up to an hour before grilling.

  2. Rub the salt into the lamb and set aside.

  3. About 15 minutes before grilling (if using a gas grill) preheat the gril to 425.

  4. Sprinkle the black pepper onto the lamb.

  5. Place the meat along with the lemons and rosemary onto the grill; cover with the top of the grill. Turn down the heat on the grill to a mid-range and try to keep the heat between 375-425.

  6. Cook just until the meat gently lifts on its own - about 3-5 minutes depending on how hot the heat of the grill is. Flip.

  7. Turn the lemons over as well; you want them to be lightly charred and caramelized. I move around the rosemary as well to evenly distribute the smoke, which will lightly scent the meat.

  8. Cook again until the meat gives and then rotate to cook the sides of the tenderloin. At this point, begin testing with the meat thermometer until the temperature is between 130-135F.

  9. Remove from the grill, cover with foil, and let sit.

  10. Slice and plate, then garnish with more rosemary and grilled lemons. Lightly squeeze the lemons over the meat just before eating.

  11. Serve.

  12. Eat.